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Explanation exploration: Exploring emergent behavior
Published in 2007 Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation Workshop (PADS 07), 2007
This paper is about exploring emergent behavior through explanation exploration. A case study with agent-based modeling is presented to demonstrate the application of the process in detail.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross, Reynolds Jr, Paul F, Tang, Lingjia, Brogan, David C. (2007). "Explanation exploration: Exploring emergent behavior." 21st International Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS 07). 113-122.
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An exploration-based taxonomy for emergent behavior analysis in simulations
Published in 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, 2007
This paper presents a taxonomy for analyzing emergent behavior in simulations. It provides a structured approach to explore and categorize unexpected behaviors that arise in complex simulation models.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross, Reynolds, Paul F. (2007). "An exploration-based taxonomy for emergent behavior analysis in simulations." 2007 Winter Simulation Conference. 1232-1240.
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Validating evolving simulations in COERCE
Published in Computational Science–ICCS 2007: 7th International Conference, Beijing, China, May 27-30, 2007, Proceedings, Part I 7, 2007
This paper presents COERCE, a framework for validating evolving simulations. It addresses the challenges of maintaining simulation validity as models evolve over time and become more complex.
Recommended citation: Reynolds, Paul F, Spiegel, Michael, Liu, Xinyu, Gore, Ross. (2007). "Validating evolving simulations in COERCE." 2007 International Computational Science Conference (ICCS), Beijing, China, May 27-30, 2007. 1238-1245.
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Applying causal inference to understand emergent behavior
Published in 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, 2008
This paper is about applying causal inference to simulation trace data to understand emergent behavior. A case study highlighting how the technique can identify differences in the causal dynamics of agent-based simulation vs a differential equation-based simulation of flu spread is presented.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross, Reynolds, Paul F. (2008). "Applying causal inference to understand emergent behavior." 2008 Winter Simulation Conference. 712-721.
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AggPro: the aggregate projection system
Published in Baseball Research Journal, 2009
This paper introduces AggPro, an aggregate projection system for baseball analytics. It discusses methods for projecting player performance using aggregated statistical data.
Recommended citation: Gore, R., Snapp, C., Highley, Timothy. (2009). "AggPro: the aggregate projection system." Baseball Research Journal. 38(2), 20-25.
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Causal program slicing
Published in 2009 ACM/IEEE/SCS 23rd Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, 2009
This paper introduces causal program slicing, a technique that combines program slicing with causal inference to identify the parts of a program that are causally related to specific behaviors or outputs.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross, Reynolds Jr, Paul F. (2009). "Causal program slicing." 2009 ACM/IEEE/SCS 23rd Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation. 19-26.
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INSIGHT: understanding unexpected behaviours in agent-based simulations
Published in Journal of Simulation, 2010
This paper presents INSIGHT, a framework for understanding unexpected behaviors in agent-based simulations. It discusses methods for analyzing and interpreting emergent phenomena in complex systems.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross, Reynolds Jr, Paul F. (2010). "INSIGHT: understanding unexpected behaviours in agent-based simulations." Journal of Simulation. 4(3), 170-180.
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Statistical debugging with elastic predicates
Published in 2011 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), 2011
This paper is about statistical debugging with elastic predicates. These predicates adapt to interesting value ranges of numeric variables in scientific software to help automatically find the location of bugs.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross, Reynolds, Paul F, Kamensky, David. (2011). "Statistical debugging with elastic predicates." 2011 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011). 492-495.
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Applying enhanced fault localization technology to Monte Carlo simulations
Published in Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2011
This paper presents an application of enhanced fault localization techniques to Monte Carlo simulations, improving the ability to identify and diagnose issues in complex stochastic models.
Recommended citation: Kamensky, David; Gore, Ross; Reynolds, Paul F. (2011). "Applying enhanced fault localization technology to Monte Carlo simulations." Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). 2798-2809.
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Modifying test suite composition to enable effective predicate-level statistical debugging
Published in NASA Formal Methods: 4th International Symposium, NFM 2012, Norfolk, VA, USA, April 3-5, 2012. Proceedings 4, 2012
This paper discusses techniques for modifying test suite composition to improve the effectiveness of predicate-level statistical debugging, enhancing software testing and fault localization processes.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross; Reynolds, Paul F. (2012). "Modifying test suite composition to enable effective predicate-level statistical debugging." NASA Formal Methods: 4th International Symposium, NFM 2012, Norfolk, VA, USA, April 3-5, 2012. Proceedings 4. 70-84.
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Reducing confounding bias in predicate-level statistical debugging metrics
Published in 2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2012
This paper presents methods for reducing confounding bias in predicate-level statistical debugging metrics, improving the accuracy and reliability of software debugging techniques.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross; Reynolds, Paul F. (2012). "Reducing confounding bias in predicate-level statistical debugging metrics." 2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). 463-473.
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The need for usable formal methods in verification and validation
Published in 2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC), 2013
This paper discusses the importance of developing usable formal methods for verification and validation in simulation and modeling.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross; Diallo, Saikou. (2013). "The need for usable formal methods in verification and validation". 2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC), 1257-1268.
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Modeling and simulation framework for systems engineering
Published in , 2014
This paper presents a comprehensive framework for applying modeling and simulation techniques to systems engineering problems.
Recommended citation: Diallo, Saikou Y; Tolk, Andreas; Gore, Ross; Padilla, Jose J. (2014). "Modeling and simulation framework for systems engineering."
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Toward a formalism of modeling and simulation using model theory
Published in Complexity, 2014
This paper proposes a formalism for modeling and simulation using model theory, aiming to provide a more rigorous mathematical foundation for the field.
Recommended citation: Diallo, Saikou Y; Padilla, Jose J; Gore, Ross; Herencia‐Zapana, Heber; Tolk, Andreas. (2014). "Toward a formalism of modeling and simulation using model theory". Complexity. 19(3), 56-63.
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Conceve: Conceptual modeling and formal validation for everyone
Published in ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), 2014
This paper introduces Conceve, a tool for conceptual modeling and formal validation designed to be accessible to a wide range of users in the modeling and simulation community.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross; Diallo, Saikou; Padilla, Jose. (2014). "Conceve: Conceptual modeling and formal validation for everyone". ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS). 24(2), 1-17.
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An overview of modeling and simulation using content analysis
Published in Scientometrics, 2015
This paper provides an overview of modeling and simulation using content analysis techniques, offering insights into trends and patterns in the field.
Recommended citation: Diallo, Saikou Y; Gore, Ross J; Padilla, Jose J; Lynch, Christopher J. (2015). "An overview of modeling and simulation using content analysis". Scientometrics. 103, 977-1002.
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Mobile data as public health decision enabler: a case study of cardiac and neurological emergencies
Published in Data for Development (D4D) Challenge at Net Mob 2015, Boston, USA, 7-10 April 2015, 2015
This paper explores the use of mobile data in public health decision-making, focusing on a case study involving cardiac and neurological emergencies.
Recommended citation: Mutafungwa, Edward; Thiessard, Frantz; Diallo, Pathé; Gore, Ross; Jouhet, Vianney; Karray, Chiheb; Kheder, Nouha; Rym, Saddem; Hämäläinen, Jyri; Diallo, Gayo. (2015). "Mobile data as public health decision enabler: a case study of cardiac and neurological emergencies". Data for Development (D4D) Challenge at Net Mob 2015, Boston, USA, 7-10 April 2015.
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Modeling and simulation as a service (MSaaS) for education: Learning STEM concepts through simulation use and building
Published in SummerSim, 2015
This paper discusses the concept of Modeling and Simulation as a Service (MSaaS) in education, focusing on learning STEM concepts through both using and building simulations.
Recommended citation: Padilla, Jose J; Romero-Hall, Enilda; Diallo, Saikou Y; Barraco, Anthony; Kavak, Hamdi; Lynch, Christopher J; Gore, Ross J; Sheth-Chandra, Manasi. (2015). "Modeling and simulation as a service (MSaaS) for education: Learning STEM concepts through simulation use and building". SummerSim. 50:1-50:9.
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Statistical debugging for simulations
Published in ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), 2015
This paper discusses statistical debugging techniques specifically applied to simulations, addressing methods for identifying and resolving issues in simulation models.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross; Reynolds Jr, Paul F; Kamensky, David; Diallo, Saikou; Padilla, Jose. (2015). "Statistical debugging for simulations". ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS). 25(3), 1-26.
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You are what you tweet: connecting the geographic variation in Americas obesity rate to twitter content
Published in PloS one, 2015
This paper explores the relationship between Twitter content and geographic variations in obesity rates across America, using social media data to understand health trends.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross Joseph; Diallo, Saikou; Padilla, Jose. (2015). "You are what you tweet: connecting the geographic variation in Americas obesity rate to twitter content". PloS one. 10(9), e0133505.
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Formal methods, statistical debugging and exploratory analysis in support of system development: Towards a verification and validation calculator tool
Published in International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 2016
This paper discusses the integration of formal methods, statistical debugging, and exploratory analysis to support system development, proposing a verification and validation calculator tool.
Recommended citation: Diallo, Saikou Y; Gore, Ross; Lynch, Christopher J; Padilla, Jose J. (2016). "Formal methods, statistical debugging and exploratory analysis in support of system development: Towards a verification and validation calculator tool". International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing. 7(01), 1641001.
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Identifying key papers within a journal via network centrality measures
Published in Scientometrics, 2016
This paper presents a method for identifying key papers within a journal using network centrality measures.
Recommended citation: Diallo, Saikou Y; Lynch, Christopher J; Gore, Ross; Padilla, Jose J. (2016). "Identifying key papers within a journal via network centrality measures". Scientometrics. 107, 1005-1020.
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A characterization of cybersecurity simulation scenarios
Published in SpringSim (CNS), 2016
This paper provides a characterization of cybersecurity simulation scenarios.
Recommended citation: Kavak, Hamdi; Padilla, Jose J; Vernon-Bido, Daniele; Gore, R; Diallo, S. (2016). "A characterization of cybersecurity simulation scenarios". SpringSim (CNS). 3.
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Semi-automated initialization of simulations: an application to healthcare
Published in The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 2016
This paper presents a semi-automated approach for initializing simulations, with a specific application to healthcare scenarios.
Recommended citation: Padilla, Jose J; Diallo, Saikou Y; Kavak, Hamdi; Sahin, Olcay; Sokolowski, John A; Gore, Ross J. (2016). "Semi-automated initialization of simulations: an application to healthcare". The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation. 13(2), 171-182.
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Towards modeling factors that enable an attacker
Published in SummerSim, 2016
This paper explores modeling approaches for factors that enable an attacker in cybersecurity scenarios.
Recommended citation: Vernon-Bido, Daniele; Padilla, Jose J; Diallo, Saikou Y; Kavak, Hamdi; Gore, Ross J. (2016). "Towards modeling factors that enable an attacker". SummerSim. 46.
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Classifying modeling and simulation as a scientific discipline
Published in Scientometrics, 2016
This paper proposes a classification of modeling and simulation as a scientific discipline.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross; Diallo, Saikou; Padilla, Jose. (2016). "Classifying modeling and simulation as a scientific discipline". Scientometrics. 109, 615-628.
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Using simulation games for teaching and learning discrete-event simulation
Published in 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2016
This paper discusses the use of simulation games for teaching and learning discrete-event simulation concepts.
Recommended citation: Padilla, Jose J; Lynch, Christopher J; Diallo, Saikou Y; Gore, Ross J; Barraco, Anthony; Kavak, Hamdi; Jenkins, Bakari. (2016). "Using simulation games for teaching and learning discrete-event simulation". 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). 3375-3384.
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The impact of modeling paradigms on the outcome of simulation studies: An experimental case study
Published in 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2016
This paper presents an experimental case study on the impact of modeling paradigms on simulation study outcomes.
Recommended citation: Diallo, Saikou Y; Lynch, Christopher J; Padilla, Jose J; Gore, Ross. (2016). "The impact of modeling paradigms on the outcome of simulation studies: An experimental case study". 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). 1451-1462.
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The spread of wi-fi router malware revisited
Published in Proceedings of the 20th Communications & Networking Symposium, 2017
This paper revisits the topic of wi-fi router malware spread, providing updated insights and models on how such malware propagates through networks.
Recommended citation: Kavak, Hamdi; Vernon-Bido, Daniele; Padilla, Jose J; Diallo, Saikou Y; Gore, Ross J. (2017). "The spread of wi-fi router malware revisited." Proceedings of the 20th Communications & Networking Symposium. 1-10.
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Augmenting bottom-up metamodels with predicates
Published in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2017
This paper discusses a method for enhancing bottom-up metamodels by incorporating predicates, potentially improving the accuracy or interpretability of these models.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross; Diallo, Saikou; Lynch, Christopher; Padilla, Jose. (2017). "Augmenting bottom-up metamodels with predicates." Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 20(1).
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Markov chain modeling of cyber threats
Published in The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 2017
This paper presents the application of Markov chain modeling to analyze and predict cyber threats, providing insights into cybersecurity risk assessment and management.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross; Padilla, Jose; Diallo, Saikou. (2017). "Markov chain modeling of cyber threats." The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation. 14(3), 233-244.
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Applying statistical debugging for enhanced trace validation of agent-based models
Published in Simulation, 2017
This paper presents the application of statistical debugging techniques to improve trace validation in agent-based models, enhancing the reliability and accuracy of simulation results.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross J; Lynch, Christopher J; Kavak, Hamdi. (2017). "Applying statistical debugging for enhanced trace validation of agent-based models." Simulation. 93(4), 273-284.
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Aging out of crime: Exploring the relationship between age and crime with agent based modeling
Published in Proceedings of the agent-directed simulation symposium, 2017
This paper uses agent-based modeling to explore the relationship between age and crime, particularly focusing on the phenomenon of aging out of criminal behavior.
Recommended citation: Cornelius, Caitlin VM; Lynch, Christopher J; Gore, Ross. (2017). "Aging out of crime: Exploring the relationship between age and crime with agent based modeling." Proceedings of the agent-directed simulation symposium. 1-12.
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Forecasting changes in religiosity and existential security with an agent-based model
Published in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2018
This paper uses an agent-based model to forecast changes in religiosity and existential security, exploring the dynamics between these factors.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross, Lemos, Carlos, Shults, F LeRon, Wildman, Wesley J. (2018). "Forecasting changes in religiosity and existential security with an agent-based model." Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 21(1).
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Modelling terror management theory: computer simulations of the impact of mortality salience on religiosity
Published in Religion, Brain & Behavior, 2018
This paper presents computer simulations exploring the impact of mortality salience on religiosity using terror management theory.
Recommended citation: Shults, F LeRon, Lane, Justin E, Wildman, Wesley J, Diallo, Saikou, Lynch, Christopher J, Gore, Ross. (2018). "Modelling terror management theory: computer simulations of the impact of mortality salience on religiosity." Religion, Brain & Behavior. 8(1), 77-100.
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Temporal and spatiotemporal investigation of tourist attraction visit sentiment on Twitter
Published in PloS one, 2018
This paper investigates the temporal and spatiotemporal patterns of tourist attraction visit sentiment using Twitter data.
Recommended citation: Padilla, Jose J, Kavak, Hamdi, Lynch, Christopher J, Gore, Ross J, Diallo, Saikou Y. (2018). "Temporal and spatiotemporal investigation of tourist attraction visit sentiment on Twitter." PloS one. 13(6), e0198857.
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Observations on the practice and profession of modeling and simulation: A survey approach
Published in Simulation, 2018
This paper presents findings from a survey on the practice and profession of modeling and simulation, providing insights into the field.
Recommended citation: Padilla, Jose J, Diallo, Saikou Y, Lynch, Christopher J, Gore, Ross. (2018). "Observations on the practice and profession of modeling and simulation: A survey approach." Simulation. 94(6), 493-506.
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Why do the godless prosper? Modeling the cognitive and coalitional mechanisms that promote atheism
Published in Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 2018
This paper models the cognitive and coalitional mechanisms that promote atheism, exploring why non-religious individuals may prosper.
Recommended citation: Shults, F LeRon, Gore, Ross, Lemos, Carlos, Wildman, Wesley J. (2018). "Why do the godless prosper? Modeling the cognitive and coalitional mechanisms that promote atheism." Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. 10(3), 218.
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Assessing cyber-incidents using machine learning
Published in International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 2018
This paper applies machine learning techniques to assess and analyze cyber-incidents, enhancing cybersecurity measures.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross, Diallo, Saikou Y, Padilla, Jose, Ezell, Barry. (2018). "Assessing cyber-incidents using machine learning." International Journal of Information and Computer Security. 10(4), 341-360.
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A generative model of the mutual escalation of anxiety between religious groups
Published in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2018
This paper presents a generative model exploring the mutual escalation of anxiety between religious groups, providing insights into inter-religious conflicts.
Recommended citation: Shults, F LeRon, Gore, Ross, Wildman, Wesley J, Lynch, Christopher J, Lane, Justin E, Toft, Monica D. (2018). "A generative model of the mutual escalation of anxiety between religious groups." Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 21(4).
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Identifying unexpected behaviors of agent-based models through spatial plots and heat maps
Published in Complex Adaptive Systems: Views from the Physical, Natural, and Social Sciences, 2019
This paper presents methods for identifying unexpected behaviors in agent-based models using spatial plots and heat maps.
Recommended citation: Lynch, Christopher J; Kavak, Hamdi; Gore, Ross; Vernon-Bido, Daniele. (2019). "Identifying unexpected behaviors of agent-based models through spatial plots and heat maps". Complex Adaptive Systems: Views from the Physical, Natural, and Social Sciences. 129-142.
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A value sensitive ABM of the refugee crisis in the Netherlands
Published in 2019 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), 2019
This paper presents a value-sensitive agent-based model of the refugee crisis in the Netherlands, exploring ethical considerations in policy decisions.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross; Wozny, Phillip; Dignum, Frank PM; Shults, F LeRon; Boshuijzen-van Burken, Christine; Royakkers, Lamber. (2019). "A value sensitive ABM of the refugee crisis in the Netherlands". 2019 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim). 1-12.
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Dimensionality and factorial invariance of religiosity among Christians and the religiously unaffiliated: A cross-cultural analysis based on the International Social Survey Programme
Published in PloS one, 2019
This paper examines the dimensionality and factorial invariance of religiosity across different cultural contexts, focusing on Christians and the religiously unaffiliated.
Recommended citation: Lemos, Carlos Miguel; Gore, Ross Joseph; Puga-Gonzalez, Ivan; Shults, F LeRon. (2019). "Dimensionality and factorial invariance of religiosity among Christians and the religiously unaffiliated: A cross-cultural analysis based on the International Social Survey Programme". PloS one. 14(5), e0216352.
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Characterizing the mobile phone use patterns of refugee-hosting provinces in turkey
Published in Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios: The 'Data for Refugees Challenge' Study, 2019
This paper analyzes mobile phone use patterns in refugee-hosting provinces in Turkey, providing insights into refugee behavior and integration.
Recommended citation: Frydenlund, Erika; Yilmaz Şener, Meltem; Gore, Ross; Boshuijzen-van Burken, Christine; Bozdag, Engin; De Kock, Christa. (2019). "Characterizing the mobile phone use patterns of refugee-hosting provinces in turkey". Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios: The "Data for Refugees Challenge" Study. 417-431.
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Post-supernatural cultures: There and back again
Published in Secularism and Nonreligion, 2020
This paper explores the concept of post-supernatural cultures, examining the transition away from and potential return to supernatural beliefs in societies.
Recommended citation: Wildman, Wesley J; Shults, F LeRon; Diallo, Saikou Y; Gore, Ross; Lane, Justin E. (2020). "Post-supernatural cultures: There and back again." Secularism and Nonreligion. 9.
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Agent-based modelling of values: The case of value sensitive design for refugee logistics
Published in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2020
This paper presents an agent-based model using value sensitive design to explore humanitarian logistics for refugees.
Recommended citation: Boshuijzen-van Burken, Christine; Gore, Ross; Dignum, FPM; Royakkers, Lamber; Wozny, Phillip; Shults, F LeRon. (2020). "Agent-based modelling of values: The case of value sensitive design for refugee logistics." Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 23(4), 6.
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Exploring good cycling cities using multivariate statistics
Published in Environment systems and decisions, 2020
This study investigates the characteristics of 119 cities to explore what factors help make a city good for cycling using multivariate statistical techniques.
Recommended citation: Collins, Andrew J; Jordan, Craig A; Robinson, R Michael; Cornelius, Caitlin; Gore, Ross. (2020). "Exploring good cycling cities using multivariate statistics." Environment systems and decisions. 40, 526-543.
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Education in analytics needed for the modeling & simulation process
Published in 2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2020
This paper discusses the need for education in analytics to support the modeling and simulation process, highlighting the importance of analytical skills in M&S.
Recommended citation: Leathrum, James F; Collins, Andrew J; Cotter, T Steven; Lynch, Christopher J; Gore, Ross. (2020). "Education in analytics needed for the modeling & simulation process." 2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). 3236-3247.
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A network agent-based model of ethnocentrism and intergroup cooperation
Published in Quality & Quantity, 2020
This paper presents a network agent-based model exploring ethnocentrism and intergroup cooperation, examining how mechanisms like preexisting markers, imitation, and reaction to non-cooperating agents influence group dynamics and network formation.
Recommended citation: Lemos, Carlos M; Gore, Ross J; Lessard-Phillips, Laurence; Shults, F LeRon. (2020). "A network agent-based model of ethnocentrism and intergroup cooperation." Quality & Quantity. 54(2), 463-489.
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Modeling radicalization and violent extremism
Published in Advances in Social Simulation: Looking in the Mirror, 2020
This paper presents models for understanding and analyzing the processes of radicalization and violent extremism using computational or theoretical approaches.
Recommended citation: Shults, F LeRon; Gore, Ross. (2020). "Modeling radicalization and violent extremism." Advances in Social Simulation: Looking in the Mirror. 405-410.
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Application of one-, three-, and seven-day forecasts during early onset on the COVID-19 epidemic dataset using moving average, autoregressive, autoregressive moving average, autoregressive integrated moving average, and naïve forecasting methods
Published in Data in Brief, 2021
This paper applies various forecasting methods to predict COVID-19 cases during the early onset of the epidemic, comparing different time horizons and statistical techniques.
Recommended citation: Lynch, Christopher J; Gore, Ross. (2021). "Application of one-, three-, and seven-day forecasts during early onset on the COVID-19 epidemic dataset using moving average, autoregressive, autoregressive moving average, autoregressive integrated moving average, and naïve forecasting methods." Data in Brief. 35, 106759.
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Simulation for cybersecurity: state of the art and future directions
Published in Journal of Cybersecurity, 2021
This paper reviews the state of the art in cybersecurity simulation and outlines future directions for research and application in this field.
Recommended citation: Kavak, Hamdi; Padilla, Jose J; Vernon-Bido, Daniele; Diallo, Saikou Y; Gore, Ross; Shetty, Sachin. (2021). "Simulation for cybersecurity: state of the art and future directions." Journal of Cybersecurity. 7(1), tyab005.
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Modeling the effects of religious belief and affiliation on prosociality
Published in Secularism and Nonreligion, 2021
This paper presents a model examining the effects of religious belief and affiliation on prosocial behavior.
Recommended citation: Galen, Luke; Gore, Ross; Shults, F LeRon. (2021). "Modeling the effects of religious belief and affiliation on prosociality." Secularism and Nonreligion. 10.
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Short-range forecasting of COVID-19 during early onset at county, health district, and state geographic levels using seven methods: comparative forecasting study
Published in Journal of medical Internet research, 2021
This paper compares seven different methods for short-range forecasting of COVID-19 cases during the early onset of the pandemic, analyzing their performance at various geographic levels.
Recommended citation: Lynch, Christopher J; Gore, Ross. (2021). "Short-range forecasting of COVID-19 during early onset at county, health district, and state geographic levels using seven methods: comparative forecasting study." Journal of medical Internet research. 23(3), e24925.
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Increased need for data analytics education in support of verification and validation
Published in 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2021
This paper discusses the growing need for data analytics education to support verification and validation processes in modeling and simulation.
Recommended citation: Lynch, Christopher J; Gore, Ross; Collins, Andrew J; Cotter, T Steven; Grigoryan, Gayane; Leathrum, James F. (2021). "Increased need for data analytics education in support of verification and validation." 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). 1-12.
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Estimating the health effects of adding bicycle and pedestrian paths at the census tract level: multiple model comparison
Published in JMIR public health and surveillance, 2022
This paper compares multiple models to estimate the health effects of adding bicycle and pedestrian paths at the census tract level.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross; Lynch, Christopher J; Jordan, Craig A; Collins, Andrew; Robinson, R Michael; Fuller, Gabrielle; Ames, Pearson; Keerthi, Prateek; Kandukuri, Yash. (2022). "Estimating the health effects of adding bicycle and pedestrian paths at the census tract level: multiple model comparison." JMIR public health and surveillance. 8(8), e37379.
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An Agent-Based Model of Prosocial Equilibrium: The Role of Religiously Motivated Behaviour in the Formation and Maintenance of Large-Scale Societies
Published in Conference of the European Social Simulation Association, 2022
This paper presents an agent-based model exploring the role of religiously motivated behavior in the formation and maintenance of large-scale societies.
Recommended citation: Puga-Gonzalez, Ivan; Shults, F LeRon; Gore, Ross; Talmont-Kaminski, Konrad. (2022). "An Agent-Based Model of Prosocial Equilibrium: The Role of Religiously Motivated Behaviour in the Formation and Maintenance of Large-Scale Societies." Conference of the European Social Simulation Association. 61-73.
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Understanding and assessing demographic (in)equity resulting from extreme heat and direct sunlight exposure due to lack of tree canopies in Norfolk, VA using agent-based modeling
Published in Ecological Modelling, 2023
This paper uses agent-based modeling to assess demographic inequity resulting from extreme heat and direct sunlight exposure due to lack of tree canopies in Norfolk, VA.
Recommended citation: Zamponi, Virginia; OBrien, Kevin; Jensen, Erik; Feldhaus, Brandon; Moore, Russell; Lynch, Christopher J; Gore, Ross. (2023). "Understanding and assessing demographic (in)equity resulting from extreme heat and direct sunlight exposure due to lack of tree canopies in Norfolk, VA using agent-based modeling". Ecological Modelling. 483, 110445.
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A structured narrative prompt for prompting narratives from large language models: Sentiment assessment of chatgpt-generated narratives and real tweets
Published in Future Internet, 2023
This paper presents a structured narrative prompt for generating narratives from large language models and assesses the sentiment of ChatGPT-generated narratives and real tweets.
Recommended citation: Lynch, Christopher J; Jensen, Erik J; Zamponi, Virginia; OBrien, Kevin; Frydenlund, Erika; Gore, Ross. (2023). "A structured narrative prompt for prompting narratives from large language models: Sentiment assessment of chatgpt-generated narratives and real tweets". Future Internet. 15(12), 375.
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Embedding Software Engineering in Mixed Methods Research: Computationally Enhanced Risk Communication
Published in International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 2023
This paper explores the integration of software engineering techniques into mixed methods research, focusing on computationally enhanced approaches for risk communication.
Recommended citation: Reinhold, Ann Marie; Munro, Madison H; Shanahan, Elizabeth A; Gore, Ross J; Ezell, Barry C; Izurieta, Clemente I. (2023). "Embedding Software Engineering in Mixed Methods Research: Computationally Enhanced Risk Communication." International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches. 15(2).
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Practical Considerations for Transitioning a Professional Short Course Online
Published in Adult Learning, 2024
This paper discusses practical considerations for transitioning a professional short course to an online format.
Recommended citation: Collins, Andrew J; Lynch, Christopher; Leathrum, Jim; Grigoryan, Gayane; Cotter, T Stephen; Gore, Ross; Butler, Brandon. (2024). "Practical Considerations for Transitioning a Professional Short Course Online." Adult Learning. 10451595241258232.
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A Relevance Model for Threat-Centric Ranking of Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities
Published in Cybersecurity & Information Systems Information Analysis Center Journal, 2024
This paper presents a framework for vulnerability management that uses public data sources and adversary criteria from MITRE ATT&CK to prioritize vulnerabilities, demonstrating significant improvements over CVSS in identifying targeted vulnerabilities and reducing patching costs.
Recommended citation: McCoy, Corren; Gore, Ross J; Nelson, Michael L; Weigel, Michele. (2024). "A Relevance Model for Threat-Centric Ranking of Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities." Cybersecurity & Information Systems Information Analysis Center Journal. Special AI/ML Edition.
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Enhancing risk and crisis communication with computational methods: A systematic literature review
Published in Risk Analysis, 2024
This paper reviews recent risk communication literature and highlights the need for more research on computational methods to improve both aspects of message construction efficacy and efficiency.
Recommended citation: Munro, M. H., Gore, R. J., Lynch, C. J., Hastings, Y. D., & Reinhold, A. M. (2024). Enhancing risk and crisis communication with computational methods: A systematic literature review. Risk Analysis.
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Spinal Specific Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis of Adult Spinal Deformity Patient Interviews Correlate with SRS22, SF36, and ODI Scores: A Pilot Study of 25 Patients
Published in, 2025
This paper explores the use of natural language processing and sentiment analysis on telehealth visit transcripts to develop a novel health-related quality of life (HRQOL) metric for adult spinal deformity patients. The study demonstrates significant correlations between this new sentiment analysis-based metric and conventional HRQOL measures, suggesting that NLP techniques applied to patient transcripts can produce effective HRQOL metrics.
Recommended citation: Gore, Ross, Safaee, Michael M, Lynch, Christopher J, Ames, Chris P. (2025). "Spinal Specific Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis of Adult Spinal Deformity Patient Interviews Correlate with SRS22, SF36, and Odi Scores: A Pilot Study of 25 Patients." Preprints.
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Traveler Centered Studies
This talk explores how data collected from individual travelers can revolutionize transportation planning and urban development. This presentation examines the use of GPS data from mobile phones and vehicles to create detailed models of travel behavior, providing urban planners with unprecedented insights into real-world movement patterns.
Mobile Data as Public Health Decision Enabler
This talk explores the use of mobile phone data to inform and enhance public health strategies and interventions. It examines how aggregated, de-identified mobile device data can provide near real-time information on population movements and behaviors, which is valuable for decision-making.
Using Big Data Sources and Analyses to Gain New Insight into Religion
This talk explores how the integration of big data analytics can provide fresh perspectives on religious beliefs and practices by analyzing vast datasets from sources like social media, surveys, and online forums. This approach allows researchers to track shifts in religious behavior over time, identify emerging trends such as the rise of spiritual but non-religious identities, and understand the evolving role of religion in contemporary society.
Social Simulation and Policy Challenges
This talk explores how agent-based models and other computational simulations can be used to address complex societal issues, providing policymakers with valuable insights into the potential outcomes of different policy interventions. It examines the strengths and limitations of using social simulations to inform public policy decisions, highlighting both the power of these tools to model complex systems and the challenges in ensuring their accuracy and relevance to real-world scenarios.
Modeling with Small(er) Data
This talk addresses the challenges and strategies involved in effectively using smaller datasets for modeling purposes. It explores various techniques to overcome common issues such as overfitting and lack of generalization, which are prevalent when working with limited data. The presentation covers methods like transfer learning, data augmentation, and ensemble learning to enhance model performance. Additionally, it discusses the importance of selecting appropriate modeling algorithms and feature selection techniques to maximize the utility of small data in fields where large datasets are not available.
Understanding Effects of Bicycle Paths in Norfolk at the Census Tract Level
This talk investigates the relationship between bicycle path distribution and socioeconomic indicators at the census tract level. It examines whether there are disparities in bicycle infrastructure across different neighborhoods and how this correlates with income levels, car ownership rates, and other demographic factors.
An Agent-Based Model of Interaction Between Immigrants and a Host Population
We present a network agent-based model of ethnocentrism and intergroup cooperation in which agents from two groups (majority and minority) change their communality (feeling of group solidarity), cooperation strategy and social ties, depending on a barrier of “likeness” (affinity). Our purpose was to study the model’s capability for describing how the mechanisms of preexisting markers (or “tags”) that can work as cues for inducing in-group bias, imitation, and reaction to non-cooperating agents, lead to ethnocentrism or intergroup cooperation and influence the formation of the network of mixed ties between agents of different groups. We explored the model’s behavior via four experiments in which we studied the combined effects of “likeness,” relative size of the minority group, degree of connectivity of the social network, game difficulty (strength) and relative frequencies of strategy revision and structural adaptation. The parameters that have a stronger influence on the emerging dominant strategies and the formation of mixed ties in the social network are the group-tag barrier, the frequency with which agents react to adverse partners, and the game difficulty. The relative size of the minority group also plays a role in increasing the percentage of mixed ties in the social network. This is consistent with the intergroup ties being dependent on the “arena” of contact (with progressively stronger barriers from e.g. workmates to close relatives), and with measures that hinder intergroup contact also hindering mutual cooperation.
A MODRN Approach to the Scientific Study of Religion
This talk presents a novel methodology for analyzing religious phenomena using interdisciplinary techniques that combine empirical data collection, computational modeling, and theoretical frameworks from various social sciences. This approach aims to provide a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of religion by integrating multiple perspectives and advanced analytical tools, moving beyond traditional methods in religious studies.
Mutually Escalating Religious Violence
This talk uses agent-based modeling to explore cyclical nature of violence between religious groups, exploring how initial conflicts can spiral into increasingly severe retaliatory actions, fueled by fear, misunderstanding, and the reinforcement of negative stereotypes.
A Value Sensitive Agent-Based Model of Newcomers in the Netherlands
This talk describes the integration of refugees and immigrants in Dutch society using an agent-based modeling approach that incorporates value-sensitive design principles. This study examines how different values held by both newcomers and host communities influence social interactions, policy effectiveness, and overall integration outcomes.
A Generative Model of the Mutual Escalation of Anxiety Between Religious Groups
This talk describes the use of agent-based modeling to explore the conditions and mechanisms leading to escalating xenophobic anxiety between religious groups. The research aims to shed light on whether religion plays a causal role in promoting intergroup anxiety and if anxiogenic contexts contribute to increased religiosity.
Characterizing the Mobile Phone Use Patterns of Refugee-Hosting Provinces in Turkey
This talk describes how mobile phone data can be utilized to analyze the behavior and movement patterns of refugees in provinces that host significant refugee populations. This analysis may provide insights into the spatial distribution, mobility, and social integration of refugees.
Improving Understanding of Simulation Behaviors with the Sensitivity Assessor
This talk discusses how sensitivity analysis can enhance the comprehension of simulation models by identifying key input factors that significantly influence outcomes, thereby improving model validation and decision-making processes.
The Development and Use Cases for the Sensitivity Assessor Tool
This talk discusses the sensitivity assessor tool streamlines the process of conducting comprehensive sensitivity analyses, incorporating methods such as factor screening, local sensitivity analysis, and global sensitivity analysis to provide a holistic understanding of model behavior. The presentation demonstrates how the Sensitivity Assessor Tool can be applied across various domains, including production systems, risk assessment, and resource optimization, to improve model reliability, support scenario planning, and ultimately enhance decision-making processes.
Sensitivity Assessment for Simulations
This talk describes how changes in input variables affect the outputs of a simulation model, helping to validate and improve the model’s accuracy and robustness. This process employs global sensitivity analysis to identify critical factors that influence model behavior, allowing for better decision-making and optimization of systems across various fields.
Creating AWS Cloud-based Data pipelines and Automating Workflows: A Virginia Dept. of Emergency Management (VDEM) Case Study
This talk showcases how VDEM can leverage AWS services to build a robust data management system, enabling rapid decision-making and efficient emergency response through automated data collection, integration, and analysis.
A Call for Convergence in Risk Communications Research
This talk emphasizes the critical importance of effective risk communication in saving lives and advocates for a unified approach to research in this field, aiming to consolidate the extensive body of literature on improving risk communication strategies.
CS 111: Introduction to Computer Science I
Undergraduate course, Gettysburg College, Department of Computer Science, 2013
CS 111: Introduction to Computer Science I at Gettysburg College is a foundational course in computer science, often referred to as a “CS1” course. It serves as the initial programming course for computer science majors and other students interested in developing programming skills.
CS 216: Data Structures
Undergraduate course, Gettysburg College, Department of Computer Science, 2013
CS 216: Data Structures and Algorithms at Gettysburg College is a course that builds upon the foundational programming knowledge from earlier courses. It focuses on advanced data organization and manipulation techniques essential for efficient software development.
CS 103: Introduction to Computing
Undergraduate course, Gettysburg College, Department of Computer Science, 2014
CS 103: Introduction to Computing at Gettysburg College is a laboratory-based survey course designed primarily for non-majors. The course provides an overview of computer science and the application of computing in various fields.