Ross Gore

Website for collecting research work

Ross Gore, Ph.D.
Twitter: @rossgore
Career: Full CV | 2 page resume

VMASC Homepage: Ross Gore - ODU/VMASC
Publications: Google Scholar
Open Source: GitHub Profile

Research Interests:

Simulation Validation Data Science & Predictive Analytics Agent-based Simulation Software Debugging

Selected Research Projects

My research focuses on extracting, combining, and analyzing data from new and diverse sources to provide quantitative and interpretable answers to questions. This analysis can take the form of analysis, statistical models or simulations. The domains of the questions have varied from public health, refugee migration, city planning, terrorist attack risk assessments, cyber security, software engineering and social science. The unifying theme across my work is the use of novel data sources to improve understanding of the problem at hand. Here are descriptions and publications from some of my projects that highlight my different interests and the themes of my research. A full list of my publications is available at my Google Scholar profile.


Service is an important component of our profession and an activity that grounds us in the local community, the university, and the academic community at large. Here is a full description of service in the Hampton Roads community, within Old Dominion University and in academia. This white paper provides a detailed description of my approach and experience with service is available.


A university encourages students to appreciate profound ideas from different cultures and disciplines and to use them in new, creative and interesting ways. As a professor I encourage every student I teach to embrace this appreciation and innovation. An overview of my teaching experience, awards, evaluations and student / colleague testimonials is available here. This document provides a description of my teaching philosophy.